Meet Kelly
Hey y’all, I’m Kelly— wife to Jeff, mom to four kids, lover of Jesus, calmer of chaos, and coordinator of our many family adventures! I am a military kid turned Southern girl, currently living with my family near Atlanta, Georgia. I love a good chai latte, and I feel most at home in a room full of teenagers. When I’m not busy writing or driving my boys to practice, you can find me coaching soccer or visiting my girls at college.
I’m just a mom who loves Jesus and wants to live out my faith daily in my most important relationships. I definitely don’t have it all figured out, but I’d love to share with you what God is teaching me along the way.
I love helping people connect with Jesus and find joy by pouring into others. Because, let’s face it, y’all— this life we’re called to live isn’t easy!
Surrendering your own desires to serve others is HARD.
After several decades of serving in Student ministry and raising four teens, I know from personal experience how hard those things are! I also know how valuable it is to have someone pass on wisdom from a little further down the road. So, that’s where this site comes in!
But can I be honest?
Then I’d ask you about your story and share a little of mine, and we’d laugh together. And before long, I’m pretty sure we’d be friends!
But that’s kind of hard to do through a one-way screen.
So, here’s the deal. Will you indulge me and pretend this website is my living room?
I want you to feel like part of our family. I want you to see my messy counters (and boy, are they messy!) and watch my kids roll their eyes at me and beg for more electronic time. You need to know that just because I’ve learned a lot of helpful things to do along the way doesn’t mean I always do them myself. I’m on this journey, too.
I want to inspire you to love and serve and grow with Jesus. I want to encourage you to make the connection between your calling and your everyday, ordinary life. And I want to help you connect with your teens and point them to Jesus.
There is no formula for raising kids who love Jesus. The best we can do is tend the soil, plant the seeds, and live our own life in faithfulness. Our job is more about connecting the dots than anything else, and that, my friend, is why I write.
To help you create connections and connect the dots.
So, come on in! Take your shoes off and stay awhile. Feel free to look around and ask questions. Sign up for my newsletter. Check out my new book! Comment on my social media posts and share anything you find helpful with your friends. Suggestions and feedback are always welcome…