Investing in Teens, Part 3: Ready to Listen

Investing in Teens, Part 3: Ready to Listen

It’s 11:27pm and my bed is calling. I finish brushing my teeth and walk into my bedroom, and then hear footsteps in the hallway. “Hey Momma, do you have a minute?”
Why is it my teens never want to talk when I’m ready to listen? It seems like, without fail, they always approach me at the most inconvenient times!
Oh, that happens to you, too?

As exhausting as parenting can be some days, our time to speak into our teens lives is limited, and we cannot waste it. But before we can speak, we must be intentional about listening, so they know how much we care.

Today I want to share a few ways we can make the most of opportunities to get our kids talking, so we’ll be ready to listen when the time comes.

Advent: Obedience in the Unexpected

Advent: Obedience in the Unexpected

“I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” Now granted, Mary did not know all the trials that lay ahead, but she had to at least know the immediate repercussions of this unexpected announcement. And still, she chose obedience, without hesitation. In this season of advent, I am asking myself this question: When god brings me hard assignments, do I respond with such an accepting, obedient heart? With such trusting faith?

Waiting for Perfect

Writing Challenge Day 3 I have had moments all through the day today when I could have made time to write. I didn’t though; I wasn’t ready. I kept tossing around different ideas in my head, waiting to see which one would stick. I could be practical and write about the...

What to write…

Well friends, yesterday I wrote about why I started this writing challenge; today I will tackle the questions of  “What?” I had not planned to share this post, but decided to publish it so those of you who follow me will know what to expect and can hold me accountable...

A New Challenge

I have started a new challenge. I know, I know… tomorrow begins the busiest season of the year, and most of us are still in a turkey coma from Thanksgiving dinner. There are trees to trim, gifts to buy, cookies to make, and carols to sing.  The calendar is...

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Last weekend, my husband and I took our oldest daughter to visit Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky (but that's another blogpost entirely!). Before we left, we stopped by the campus bookstore and I purchased a devotional book, This Day with the Master, written by...

A dream fulfilled

You may not know this about me, but when I was in college and my early twenties, I wrestled with a call to full-time mission work. After serving on several short-term mission teams in a few different countries, I had fallen in love with the people and cultures of...