It is the year 2020. The coronavirus has taken over the world.
School is cancelled. Church is cancelled. Birthday parties and weddings and doctor appointments- all cancelled.
You know what isn’t cancelled?
Science Fair Projects.
Yep, some of you are out there scrounging for toilet paper, but not us! No, the Heath Fam is over here scrounging up construction paper and taping together poster board. While you are loading your cart with chicken breasts and Clorox wipes, ours is filled with an assortment of baby foods, citrus fruits, jellybeans, spinach leaves, and baking soda.
Did you send your husband to the hardware store to buy materials for all the home improvement projects you plan to do while you’re under quarantine? Awesome! I sent mine there, too- to purchase three varieties of light bulbs in order to simulate the process of photosynthesis on the above mentioned spinach leaves.

And you want to make masks for the doctors and nurses at your local hospital? I love that idea! Bless you. Hey, when you stop by JoAnn’s to pick up your fabric, would you mind grabbing me some markers and tape and a bandana we can use for a blindfold? (The display board is worth 30 points after all!)

Oh, I saw that sweet video you posted of your daughter’s sidewalk art and your son’s new song! Did he really teach himself to play the guitar in 3 days from a YouTube video? What a gift to have enough free time to be creative.
We have actually spent a lot of free time being creative around here, too! It only took us two hours to design an “easel” that could hold the appropriate sized tri-fold board in proper view of the computer for a Zoom presentation. The lighting was a little trickier, but hey- what a great opportunity to learn a new life skill! And on top of that, I have a whole slew of innovative new words to describe my feelings about the Science Fair! But I probably shouldn’t share those here…

So, friends, you go ahead and enjoy binge-watching on Netflix and making creative meals out of your freezer. Be sure to practice “social distancing” with your neighbors and enjoy the great outdoors. Get take-out from a local restaurant and plan a family game night; make the most of this time, for sure!
Don’t mind us.
We’ll just be over here working on our Science Fair Projects.
(Now, y’all don’t go hating on our teachers or our school… we love them and really do understand their decision to continue on with the Science Fair projects! I just personally happen to HATE the Science Fair, and couldn’t miss the opportunity to seize the irony that out of all the things that have been cancelled, THIS could not be one of them! LOL! Oh well, such is life. We are finished, actually; and we have had plenty of time for family game nights and baking cookies along the way, I promise!)
Absolutely LOVE this! I feel your pain. As a recovering over-achieving mom of two boys in their 20s, I remember well the angst of the science fair project! I’m also a retired teacher, so I can relate to the teacher who is trying to get all the things done. Little-known secret: I think the only people who love the science fair are science teachers (some of my best buddies!).
Haha! I agree- my science teacher friends have tried to convince me to love it for years, but I continue to resist! It’s nice to know I am not alone in my angst. I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment! 🙂