Last weekend, a “corona-month” later than planned, we celebrated Sarah’s high school graduation. She put on her cap and gown, took a bazillion pics with her friends, listened to some fabulous speeches, and FINALLY received her high school diploma.
With the turning of her tassel, she transitioned into a new part of her journey, ready or not!
It sounds cliché to say we blinked and she grew up, but honestly, that is how it feels…

Graduating from high school is such a milestone. It closes the door on one chapter and ushers open another. All eyes are turned to the future, every step leading forward to whatever comes next!
Our sweet Sarah cannot think about anything now except college. She is focused on what she needs, who she’ll meet, and what she’ll experience. And she should be! She is embarking on a brave new adventure.
The miles stretch out before her, just waiting to be traveled!

This milestone got me thinking about those mile markers along the interstate. I often think of them as telling me how much farther I have to go, but really their purpose is to remind us of where we are and how far we’ve come. That little number on the side of the road is the sum of all the miles we have travelled so far.
Most of the time, I get caught up trying to use that number to determine how many miles I have left on my journey, but when I do that, I miss the whole point!
I forget to celebrate how far I’ve come. I miss out on the landscape of that particular part of the path. And if I’m not careful, I may even end up overlooking an opportunity to take a better route.

4 Steps to embracing transition
Friend, are you partway along a path, in need of a mile marker to give you perspective? Maybe your path is:
- A weight-loss journey
- A new adventure, like college or a new job
- Parenting small children
- The pursuit of a dream, like running a marathon or writing a book
- A long-term career goal
- Finishing a degree
- Parenting teenagers towards adulthood
Whatever your journey, here are some steps you can take to help you embrace your transitions and make the most of this moment.
Step 1: Reflect on the past
When you find yourself at a mile marker, take time to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come. Most likely there have been some bumps in the road, maybe even some failures along the way. Don’t be afraid of them! What have you learned from your struggles? How are you better as a result? Are you more focused, more compassionate, more motivated?
And make sure you celebrate your victories, too! The distance you’ve traveled deserves recognition, regardless of how long it has taken or how many times you got sidetracked. A mile is a mile, no matter how you slice it! Pat yourself on the back for your progress.
Step 2: Embrace the moment
Next, look around. Notice the beauty of where you are- the different scenery, the opportunities for growth, the friends who are travelling this path alongside you. Each of these is a gift, and they are not promised for the entire length of your journey, so embrace them now!
Soak up the encouragement.
Learn what you can.
Try something new.
Make some memories.
Reach out with gratitude.
And above all, embrace this moment!
Sure, you still have a long way to go, but none of us is promised tomorrow, so don’t wish away today. You are at this particular mile marker only for a short time, so enjoy it!
Step 3: Adjust your course
Take assessment of where you’ve been and where you’re going. Make sure you’re still headed in the right direction, and make adjustments if necessary. Perhaps you’ve realized there’s a better way to get where you’re going; maybe you got off track, or your destination has changed along the way. This is the time to change course, to alter your direction, to make sure you’re taking the right path.
Here. Now.
At this mile marker.
Don’t waste anymore time going the wrong way or spinning your wheels. We are only on this earth for a little while… make it count!
Step 4: Move forward in hope
When you find yourself at a mile marker, reflect on your progress, embrace the moment, adjust your course, and then MOVE ON. Life is all about the journey, after all! Don’t get complacent, and don’t give into fear or deceptive voices.
“ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.’’ (Jeremiah 29:11)
Live into this truth and move forward with hope and confidence, knowing that you do not journey alone!
This is my advice to Sarah and her friends as they transition into this next stage of life, and it is good advice for the rest of us as well.
Reflect on the past.
Embrace the moment.
Adjust your course.
And move forward in hope.