Are you the parent of a teen or college student? Do you want to pray more intentionally for them, but you’re not sure where to start?
Pull up a chair, because this post is for you!
A year ago, we were preparing to send our oldest daughter to college seven hours away. Letting her go was one thing; letting her go so far away was another! But we knew this was God’s path for her, so there was peace.
It’s hard to pack your heart up in a car and leave her four states away.
A few weeks before she left, I had the idea to prepare myself for life without her. I knew I was going to be in constant prayer while she was so far away, and I wanted those prayers to cover specific areas, some of which I knew I would forget if I didn’t write them down. I also wanted to make sure I was praying Scripture over her, not just my own desires.
Being a list-maker by nature, I began to write down various topics as they popped into my head.
Friends. Roommates. Spiritual development. Courage. Peace. Boldness. Discernment.
My list kept growing.
Next, I wrote down some of my favorite Scriptures that corresponded with those topics. I texted some dear friends and asked them which verses they pray over their young adults. Before I knew it, I had 31 verses—one for every day of the month!
When I mentioned my list to a friend, she asked me what I meant by “praying Scripture.” Great question! If this is not something you’ve done before, it may sound intimidating, but it’s actually really easy. Basically, you just take a verse or promise from the Bible and turn it into a prayer.
It’s important that we maintain the integrity of each verse by considering its context and purpose. We never want to twist Scripture to mean something God never intended. (Sound familiar? That is Satan’s number one trick: “Did God really say….”). However, as long as we are interpreting it accurately, there is tremendous power in praying God’s Word, because we can be certain we are asking for His Will instead of our own!
I wrote a few of my prayers down for my friend as an example. That grew into a series of weekly blog posts, each containing daily Scripture prayers for the week. I had so many people ask me if they could print them out that I finally paid someone to design a really cute, user-friendly printable version!
Praying the Word: 31 Days of Praying Scripture Over Your Teens and College Students
This 8-page printable e-book is now available to download for only $3.99. Just click the link above or visit the shop link at the top of my website. I also have a list of just the 31 Scripture verses without the prayers. That’s available for free by clicking HERE.
Y’all, I am so excited about offering this resource to you! It has been such a blessing to me as I’ve used it to pray God’s Word over my own children. Imagine what God can do if we all join together in praying these Truths and promises over the next generation! Will you join me?
And would you consider sharing this link with someone who might find it helpful? If you would like to use it for your church or Bible Study group, please contact me for a coupon code!
