The Power of “Bonus Parents”

The Power of “Bonus Parents”

In honor of Mother’s Day and all the Bonus Parents out there, here’s a flashback to my Junior year of high school, a few weeks before Prom: Sixteen-year-old-me sits in the driveway, trying to pull myself together, still shaking from the shock of being dumped. The...
I’m Not in Control

I’m Not in Control

Any Type-A, Enneagram 1 (or 3), planning people out there? Come on, you know who I’m talking about.  You ordered your 2022 planner in November, and before the big ball dropped in NYC, you had your birthdates transferred, your dream circles completed, and your...
2021 Reading Challenge List and Recommendations

2021 Reading Challenge List and Recommendations

Hey Friends! If you are new to my blog, I do a reading challenge every year to help direct and track my reading. I started a few years ago as a way to stretch myself, both in the quantity and quality of books I was reading, and the tradition stuck. I use the Good...