Well y’all, I am a little late in getting this out, but you are used to that by now! Better late than never, right? I spent last week at an amazing writing retreat in Colorado, and part of that time was spent working on developing a writing schedule. So hopefully, I can be a little more consistent now— but no promises!
January 2025 Book Stack
Book Stacks are back! Here’s what I read in January…
Summer 2023 Book Stack #2
As I mentioned in my last Book Stack post, I am quite behind on posting what I’ve been reading this year. My books are a little out of order, but I figure disorganized sharing is better than not sharing at all! That said, here is my Summer 2023 Book Stack, which...
Summer 2023 Non-fiction Book Stack
Well, friends, now that my “book baby” has been written, edited, published, and launched into the world, it is time to get back into my normal writing rhythm. And with that comes the long-awaited resumption of my book stacks! I just realized I haven’t reviewed or...
Adult Fiction Book Stack 2022
Fiction Book Stack Hey friends! If you are just popping in, I am a bit behind on posting my book reviews this year. I usually share what I'm reading each month, but most of my writing time was set aside to work on my book. So while I am in between drafts, I am trying...
Spiritual Growth Book Stack 2022, Part Two
I am finally catching up on sharing reviews of the books I've read so far in 2022. For those of you (all 3 of you, lol!) anxiously awaiting these long-awaited reviews, here you go! As I mentioned in my last blog post, I usually share these stacks as I read them,...
Spiritual Growth Book Stack, Part One (2022)
I'm sure y'all have been sitting around wondering what in the world happened to my Book Stack posts (because you have nothing better to do, ha!). As you probably know, I am currently working on my own book, so most of my writing time this year was devoted to that. I...
2021 Reading Challenge List and Recommendations
Hey Friends! If you are new to my blog, I do a reading challenge every year to help direct and track my reading. I started a few years ago as a way to stretch myself, both in the quantity and quality of books I was reading, and the tradition stuck. I use the Good...
My December Book Stack 2021
I can’t believe another year is wrapping up. Where does the time go? Life was obviously busy this month, but I was able to squeeze in a little bit of reading time. Here’s what was in my December Book Stack…
12 Devotional Recommendations for the New Year
Recently, a friend reached out to me asking for ideas on devotionals that she could do by herself or with a group. As we head into 2022, I thought I would share a few of my suggestions. Here are 12 Devotional recommendations for the new year in case you’re looking for some fresh ways to grow closer to Jesus!