Waiting for Hope

Waiting for Hope

(**Note: This blogpost was originally published last December, but I am sharing it again with a few revisions as we finish up the first week of Advent. In a year like 2020, it seems we can all use a little more hope!) Hope. That is the word God has been whispering to...
The Gift of Hope

The Gift of Hope

It is two days before Christmas.  A stack of presents sits on the bed waiting to be wrapped.  There is laundry to be done, food to prepare, and a half-dozen items still left unchecked on my to-do list. Yet, I find myself returning to the gifts.  I have...
Waiting for Hope

Waiting for Hope

Hope. That is the word God has been whispering to my heart this week. It has been in my devotional readings everyday. It has popped up in several Facebook posts. It was the theme running through our College Midweek service. It was even written in glowing Christmas...