by Kelly Heath | Jan 22, 2022 | Bookstacks
Hey Friends! If you are new to my blog, I do a reading challenge every year to help direct and track my reading. I started a few years ago as a way to stretch myself, both in the quantity and quality of books I was reading, and the tradition stuck. I use the Good...
by Kelly Heath | Feb 5, 2021 | Bookstacks
Image from Pixabay Well friends, if there is one positive thing we can say about 2020, it’s that it was a good year for reading! This year’s list was longer than expected, largely due to ALL THAT EXTRA FREE TIME… but I’m not complaining! I am always grateful for...
by Kelly Heath | Apr 30, 2020 | Bookstacks
I really thought I would have a huge book stack to show you for April with all this time on my hands, but as often happens, much of that time has been filled in other ways. On top of that, our library has been closed due to COVID restrictions, which means my reading...
by Kelly Heath | Mar 30, 2020 | Bookstacks
Well friends, one of the good things about being at home indefinitely is that it frees up my evenings for reading! I entered the month of March with several of my February books unfinished, so I wasn’t sure how this month was going to go. Fortunately, I have had...
by Kelly Heath | Jan 23, 2020 | Bookstacks
Well friends, I am off to a slow start on writing this year. Thanks for being patient with me! Now that my 30-day writing challenge is over, it has been more difficult for me to stay motivated and disciplined, especially with Jeff traveling so much and the craziness...