Resources for Parents and Teens

12 Devotional Recommendations for the New Year

12 Devotional Recommendations for the New Year

Recently, a friend reached out to me asking for ideas on devotionals that she could do by herself or with a group. As we head into 2022, I thought I would share a few of my suggestions. Here are 12 Devotional recommendations for the new year in case you’re looking for some fresh ways to grow closer to Jesus!

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My Fall Book Stack 2021

My Fall Book Stack 2021

How is it possibly December already? The past few months have been a blur around the Heath house, and as you can tell from my Fall Book Stack, I haven’t had much free time to read. I ended up combining September, October, and November into one post, mainly so my monthly stacks wouldn’t look so pathetic. And the Divergent series is deceiving— it makes it look like I read a lot more than I did. Still, there are some great books in this stack and I can’t wait to tell you about them!

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Joyful Surrender

Joyful Surrender

“The natural world reminds us there are seasons for a reason. The branch that clings too tightly to its leaves eventually breaks under the weight of the heavy winter snow. Perhaps it did not realize it could not bear the weight of what was coming; however, our heavenly Father designed it in the way that was best. Are the evergreens envious of the Autumn leaves that blend with the sunset in declaring the glory of God? I do not know. But I imagine they are grateful for their gentle coverings when those other branches lay barren in the dead of winter.

Each has a purpose, and each has a plan…

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My August Book Stack 2021

My August Book Stack 2021

I remember back in the good ol’ days when August was still considered part of summer (which meant more time to read. Woo!). Instead, our kids started back to school the very first week. That’s okay, though—I still managed to squeeze in some reading time last month.

My August Book Stack is a mix of YA fiction, parenting, and spiritual formation. None of these books were on my list at the beginning of the year, but somehow they found their way on to my nightstand.

Anyway, let’s get started. Here’s what I read in August…

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5 Scripture Prayers for Your Prodigal

5 Scripture Prayers for Your Prodigal

Most of you are probably familiar with the story Jesus tells of the Prodigal Son found in Luke 15.

A fairly wealthy man has two sons. The younger one decides he’s had enough of boring ranch life and asks his dad to give him his inheritance early. Without looking back, he heads off into the world, living his best life, and squandering everything his father bestowed on him along the way. Eventually, the shininess wears off and the young man recognizes the mess he’s made. He longs for the life he gave up, yet realizes he is unworthy to even eat with the pigs. Humbly, he makes his way home, hoping his father might take pity on him and hire him as a farmhand.

Luke tells us that “when he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran to him.” This story has several messages, but the overarching point is that our Father, like the one in the story, has tremendous compassion and mercy for His children, even when our hearts are prone to wander. He watches for us when we leave Him, and He celebrates when we return!

This parable actually follows two similar parables in Luke 15…

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What Happens When We Pray Instead of Intervene

What Happens When We Pray Instead of Intervene

“Let’s Gooooooooo!” they yell, as they fling their bodies through the air in a massive chest-bump. Balls bounce, shoes squeak, nets swish. Sweaty-middle-school-boy-smell permeates the air, while colorful high-top sneakers pound out a rhythm against the hard floor.

This is my son’s favorite place to be on a rainy afternoon—or any afternoon, really—and today is no exception.

We meet his friends up here at least once a week. Some days it’s just them; today the courts are busy. A few kids their age shoot free-throws next to them, glancing longingly in their direction as they divide up their teams.

I see Eli notice them. He keeps looking at them and then back at his friends, trying to decide what to do…

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My June 2021 Book Stack

My June 2021 Book Stack

Hey friends, as you already know, we are focusing on BOOKS this month! I'm a little behind in posting my June 2021 Book Stack, so I’ll just get right to it. Here’s what I read in June: Fault Lines by Voddie Bauccham I have listened to Voddie Baucham for several...

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