My December Book Stack 2021

My December Book Stack 2021

I can’t believe another year is wrapping up. Where does the time go? Life was obviously busy this month, but I was able to squeeze in a little bit of reading time. Here’s what was in my December Book Stack: THE HOLY BIBLE About two weeks into 2021, a friend mentioned...
My Fall Book Stack 2021

My Fall Book Stack 2021

How is it possibly December already? The past few months have been a blur around the Heath house, and as you can tell from my Fall Book Stack, I haven’t had much free time to read. I ended up combining September, October, and November into one post, mainly so my...
My August Book Stack 2021

My August Book Stack 2021

I remember back in the good ol’ days when August was still considered part of summer (which meant more time to read. Woo!). Instead, our kids started back to school the very first week. That’s okay, though—I still managed to squeeze in some reading time last...
My July Book Stack 2021

My July Book Stack 2021

My July Book Stack came mostly from the library. I chose the first one because we were going to the beach, and the rest because I am a sucker for YA fantasy! As it turned out, we kicked off July with an emergency appendectomy for our oldest daughter, Sarah… Good...
My February 2021 Book Stack

My February 2021 Book Stack

Maybe I’m weird, but something about cold weather makes me want to read. There is nothing like curling up by the fire under a blanket with a good book! Thankfully, there was plenty of cold weather last month. So, here’s what I read in February: The Great...